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Welcome to my module 9 Exhibit for my Florida Virtual School World History class. Most of this article will be related to the Cold War and other happenings during that time. Please do not edit this page as it is being used for a school assignment, and I will be graded for it. In this class we have to create an exhibit at the end of every module. This exhibit must include 5 "artifacts&quot' to be used in a museum exhibit. These artifacts can be anything from people to places. Included with the artifacts must be a description and an explanation as to why I used the artifact in the exhibit. Please enjoy and use the information if you want. --texttonic 14:19, Apr 27, 2005 (UTC)

Description - The Soviet Union, also known as the USSR (The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), was a former world power, dominant primarily in Europe after the collapse of Germany during World War II, and up to the time of the collapse of the Berlin Wall. The USSR is mos tnotable for its role during the Cold War, in which they made threats to use nuclear weapons against any country or continent opposing them. This is also related to the Cuban Missile Crisis, in which Cuba was provided nuclear missiles by their ally, the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Soviet Union disbanded and was once again Russia.

Explanation - I included the Soviet Union in this exhibit because it played a major role in the Cold War, and was also a major player during much of World War II. The Soviet Union was also included because it was a world power throughout much of the mid to late 1900's, and was known for its ferocity in war, and its strong political views. The wierd thing is, Stalin, the "ruler" of Russia, led the country under the names USSR and just plain Russia.

Description - The United Nations is an internation organization who's main purpose was to prevent another world war after World War II. So far they have many member nations, and every so often accept new members. Currently, they are dedicated to international peace keeping and hte restoration of thrid world countries. They are especially concerned witht he abuse of women and their irghts. Many people compare them to Amnesty International.

Explanation - I included the United Nations in this exhibit because they play an important role in trying to keep peace throughout the world. The United Nations also acts a a mediator between countries, and decides on many important things that could affect my life, such as international taxes, money, etc. I also included the UN in this exhibit because it has been around for such a long time and is always recieveing membership requests.

Description - Gandhi, before his assassination, was referred to as one of the most peaceful men in the world. Though he was not able to bring peace to the world, he was able to bring it to himself and his people. He was known for bringin independence to India, and his hunger strikes were heard all throughout the world. Whenever there was violence he went on a strike to protest it, eventually leading to temporary peace. Though much of the world will probably always be in chaos, he will always be remembered as one of the most important historical figures to have ever lived.

Explanation - I included Gandhi in this exhibit because he was always calm, and rarely ever worried. He was also faithful to his people and his religion. Though he could not make permanent changes, he brought peace to many areas in a time of great strife. Though I wouldn't want to live like him, I see him as a role model.

Description - NATO, or the National Atlantic Treaty Organisation, is an international, non-binding group who's main focus is ont he disarmament of threatening countries throughout the world. They have served the country for over 50 years now and continue as a rising force throughout the world.

Explanation - I included NATO in this exhibit because it has been a huge force in the fight against nuclear weaponry for the past 50 plus years. NATO also serves as one of the leading defense associations in the United States controlling many defense systems. I believe that they have done a great job in protecting the United States of America. Plus, for the younger children, they track Santa Claus yearly.

Description - the Warsaw Pact was a treaty between eastern European countries, mostly communist, binding them as allies. The main purpose of this Pact was to act as defense against NATO. Though NATO had no intention of attacking any Warsaw Pact member nations, it did have defense set up against them also.

Explanation - I included the Warsaw Pact in this exhibit because it was a major organisation that caused much worry throughout Europe at the time. Its existence alone caused panic and many countries were fourced to rearm themselves. I also included it in this exhibit because it clearly represents the problems arising during that time in history.